How to Activate Students in Online and Hybrid Courses

Course Type: Online Workshop
Target Group: Teaching Staff
The Corona crisis requires instructors in higher education to teach in online and (sometimes also) hybrid environments. These environments pause unique challenges, especially when it comes to student activation and engagement. In this workshop, we will discuss methods to activate students, including using digital tools to do so, as well as strategies to encourage student thinking and participation. Instructors apply and reflect upon concepts, (digital) tools, strategies and practical ideas reviewed in this workshop to further develop their own courses with a focus on activating students.
Participants of this course will ...
... gain an overview of research results on effective online and hybrid teaching, meaningful learning and interaction in higher education,
... reflect upon design principles of different online teaching concepts and identify benefits and potential implementation challenges (e.g. hybrid teaching, flipped classroom),
... experiment with concepts, (digital) tools and practical ideas to cognitively activate and interact with students,
... share good practices and personal insights, as well as ways to handle challenges based on prior experiences.
Counting towards the Baden-Wuerttemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level: Module II, Topic 1 or 2 (8 AE)
Counting towards the Certificate “Leadership, Management, Transfer of Knowledge”: Module III or IV (8 AE)
Registration at HDZ/Hochschuldidaktikzentrum (Log-In required!).