Ready, Set, Teach – How to Engage Your Students

Format: Online-Workshop
Target Group: Teaching Staff
Some people think great teachers are born, not made; this is an unfortunate misconception. Anyone can learn how to be an engaging and inspiring instructor. This course aims to give you the most helpful tools for bringing your teaching to the next level – whether you are an absolute novice or already have some teaching experience.
This course will give you a broad toolbox for motivating and activating students. You will learn when students are motivated and what a wide palette of possibilities there is when it comes to activating and motivating students. Engaging students requires building a good relationship to them, giving them a “why” for everything you do, and activating them with purposeful, clear assignments. There is no one correct way to engage students – instead, you can choose methods that work for you and your students.
In this course, we will meet for half a day in a virtual conference and work through the most important theories on this topic, focussing mainly on their relevance for the practice of teaching online and offline. No matter your background, no matter what kind of course you will teach, you should walk away from this course with concrete new ideas for engaging your students.
Counting towards the Baden-Wuerttemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level: Module II, Topic 3 or 4 (4 AE).
Registration at Hochschuldidaktikzentrum (Log-In required!)
Important note for all doctoral researchers of the University of Konstanz: The costs for your participation will be covered by the Konstanz Research School. It is therefore essential that you state your status as "Doktorand*in" when registering at the HDZ/University Didactics Centre!