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Scientific Presenting for Physicists

Course type: Workshop
Target group: Doctoral Students
The workshop focuses on the presentations of the participants. Feedback and exercises will help to improve their individual performance, connect to their own resources and discuss open questions. Another important aspect of conference interactions are the Q&A session following the presentation; dealing with difficult questions as well as (over)critical colleagues will also be part of the exercises.
The participants will hold their prepared presentations and will get individual feedback from the trainer as well as their peers on slide design, comprehensibility, and presentation style. The feedback will be illustrated by the trainer’s input as well as in exercises designed to improve these aspects. Mental preparation techniques as well as priming voice and body will be covered. Strategies to deal with the Q&A session will be discussed and tried. Depending on the number of participants it might also be possible to include the strategic dimensions of breaks and conference dinners.
The participants will – supported by trainer’s input and feedback – reflect on individual strengths and identify areas for development. They will be equipped with an individual strategy to better deal with presentations at conferences.