Developing Your Research Brand

11. January 2018, 9:00 to 17:00


Developing Your Research Brand

Course Type: Workshop
Target Group: Postdoctoral researchers
At pivotal points in their career, researchers often feel a need to deliberate their position and competencies, and to balance various career options. This applies especially to the transition period between qualification phases, e.g. at the end of the postdoc phase and on the edge of becoming an established researcher. Information on research funding and career development schemes as well as awareness of one’s own strengths and interests are key for taking informed decisions on the way forward. In addition, employers and funders increasingly ask for applicants’ clear-cut research profiles and descriptions of their trajectories in order to check the fit with their institutions or programmes.
The 1-day workshop (11 January 2018, held at the University of Hohenheim) will offer participants assistance with the planning of their scientific career by providing guidance while funding opportunities, regarding taking into account the participants’ individual trajectories.
Individual 1h coaching sessions via Skype or phone during the optional second day (26 January 2018) help the participants pave their way towards successful applications in view of their needs and ambitions.
Registration: (until 30 November 2017)