Teaching for Mindfulness – Simple Methods for Fostering Your Students’ Awareness and Creativity
Format: Online-Workshop
Target Group: Teaching staff
Mindfulness has many proven benefits – and some of them are highly relevant to learning and productivity. Studies show that mindfulness leads to higher levels of creativity, motivational self-regulation, cognitive flexibility, and tolerance of ambiguity. Mindfulness has a place in academia, and fostering students’ mindfulness will benefit them greatly.
But how can instructors do this without moving in a spiritual direction – crossing over boundaries of what belongs in the classroom – or spending too much time on it? How can instructors help students be more mindful without meditating with them or making them uncomfortable?
In this online course, we will answer these questions. Our one-hour virtual kick-off meeting on October 10th (11-12am) will activate your prior knowledge and lay the foundation for the next element of the course: 4-5 hours of self-study, spread over four weeks, with instructional videos, texts, and an accompanying task. The course closes with a half-day virtual workshop on November 7th (10am-2pm) in which we will discuss questions and challenges, deepen your insight into the topic, and make sure you are ready to apply the lessons to your own teaching.
Counting towards the Baden-Wuerttemberg Certificate for Teaching and Learning at University Level: Module II, Topic 2 (12 AE).
Important note for all doctoral researchers of the University of Konstanz: The costs for your participation will be covered by the Konstanz Research School. It is therefore essential that you state your status as "Doktorand*in" when registering at the HDZ/University Didactics Centre!
Nina Bach
Faculty development professional und educational scientist; instructional designer for Hanke Teachertraining, adjunct instructor at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg. Work areas: (online) courses and self-study material about planning instruction and instructional methods, designing virtual meetings, digital instruction, self-care for instructors, relationships in teaching, mindful teaching and learning.
Costs: 25 Euro (doctoral researchers of the University of Konstanz can participate in our events free of charge – participation fees are covered by the Konstanz Research School)