22. to 23. June 2023

H309 and Y310

The registration deadline for the event has unfortunately expired.

Self-Care and Life-Balance for Doctoral Researchers

Course Type: Workshop
Target Group: Doctoral researchers
This resource- and application-oriented workshop provides participants with space and an allowance to stop and take a stock of their situation. They will explore the themes of self-care, resilience, work-life balance, and sustainable working practices within the academic setting.
We will discuss individual factors influencing one’s psychological health and occupational functionality, such as role expectations, values, resources and life-style factors as well as the psychological model of resilience and we will look at practical ways to implement these concepts in everyday life. Participants will assess their current work-life balance while exploring ways to reallocate resources, time, and value to different areas of their life in order to build a working schedule that is sustainable.
Emphasis will be placed on having a reflective experience, promoting benevolence with oneself and in this way, create individual and truly long-lasting solutions.
Contents in brief:
  • - What is self-care and what does it look like?
  • - Work-life balance
  • - Identification of one’s priorities and values
  • - Techniques for building resilience
  • - Assertive communication self-assessment and practice
  • - Resource-oriented mindset: building a positive failure culture
  • - Building sustainable working plans
Counting towards the Certificate "Leadership, Management, Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer" (Module IV, 12 AE).