8. May 2024


The registration deadline for the event has unfortunately expired.

Exploring the Application Potential of Your Research

Course Type: Workshop
Target Group: Doctoral researches, postdoctoral researchers
In cooperation with the Start-up Centre of the University of Konstanz (Kilometer1 I WTT -Team) and Young Entrepreneurs in Science.
As scientists, we often focus on the intricacies of our research and the immediate research question we are currently working on. In this workshop, we invite you to expand your perspective and look at your research from an application standpoint. The workshop is tailored for researchers who are already thinking about the potential practical implications of their findings, as well as those engaged in fundamental scientific inquiry, where fields of application are not as obvious. It is an opportunity for a perspective shift, a useful (and fun) exercise to think outside the box.
Through a structured process anchored in the ‘your research canvas’ framework, you will reflect about the application scope of your research, identify possible user groups and stakeholders, and think about why and how these could benefit from your research. Together with your peers, you will brainstorm imaginable use cases, benefit from the innovation potential of the group, and help each other take ideas to the next level in a playful and creative atmosphere.
The workshop can be credited towards the ASD certificate “Leadership, Management, Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer Certificate” in module III or IV (4 AE). If you have any questions concerning the certificate, please contact Melanie Moosbuchner (zertifikat@uni-konstanz.de)